On January 11, 2020, CoREM hosted a diversity, equity, and inclusion summit. CoREM received funding as a Creating Inclusive Excellence Grant from the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Initiatives to host the summit. CoREM wants to know what the larger communities of color think and want with regard to DEI. Twenty-five individuals from each of the CoREM communities (a total of 100 students, faculty, staff, and mid- to lower-level administrators of color) were asked to participate. Participants will were convened to
- Seek their collective voice relative to their campus experiences, challenges confronted, and the necessary steps for transforming the University into a diverse, inclusive, equitable institution, and
- Make that collective wisdom available for the University’s use during the development and implementation of the University’s DEI plan.
The daylong summit was structured to identify and prioritize the challenges currently experienced by people of color at the University and to generate “next steps and mechanisms” for addressing those challenges. CoREM is excited to learn from a representative sample of students, faculty, support and academic staff, and administrators who are in the trenches every day. Stay tuned for the results.