Blacks Assaulted by Those Who Should Protect Them
From the BFSAA President
Hands up or hands down, in the car or out of the car, walking or driving, twelve years old or 43 years old, no weapon or BB gun, cooperating or resisting arrest, stopped for supposedly minor traffic violation. It doesn’t matter. Blacks are being assaulted and/or killed by the police for no justifiable reason. A person is shot 3 to 41 times, when he shouldn’t have been shot at all. Black lives matter. Black life must be respected.
Yes, there is Black on Black crime and that is unjustifiable, condemned by the Black community, being addressed by the Black community, and more needs to be done about it, including an attack on the root causes of the violence. Nevertheless, Black-on-Black crime does not justify the murder of unarmed Blacks by the very police who are supposed to protect them.
It goes without saying that all lives matter. The Black community wishes it could go without saying that Black lives matter, but that is not the current situation in the U.S.A. We must strive and work together to ensure that all lives matter and that work must be done in police departments, city governments throughout the nation, all communities, on campus colleges and universities, wherever people reside. In truth all lives do NOT matter unless Black lives matter.
As Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. ….Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
BFSAA challenges everyone on the MSU campus to work together to ensure that Black lives matter in every way. Then, we will be one step closer to ensuring that ALL lives REALLY DO matter.